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My Self Tan Favorites and Tips

I love the look of glowy sun-kissed skin, but I am not into frying my skin in the sun or in a tanning bed! I started self tanning over the summer of 2020 as a way to avoid sun damage and it's been one of my favorite self care things to do. I'm pretty pale, burn easily, and my skin does not tan well; self tanning has been a great way for me to give some color to my complexion without putting my health at risk. On top of the obvious pros to fake tanning compared to physically tanning in the sun or a bed, self-tanning also boosts my mood. A natural glow makes me feel a little extra beautiful and more confident, especially now in the fall and going into the winter when I'm less likely to tan; the sun-kissed look makes me feel a bit happier and put together to combat any cold weather blues.

Self tanning can be a bit of work, which is why I don't do it all the time, but overall it's pretty easy to do! It takes some practice to get your self-tan just right, which can be frustrating for some, but over time it gets easier and easier. Today's blog post is covering some self-tanning products I love, some tips on how to get a great self-tan, and some tips for beginners.

Tips for a Better Self-Tan:

While I'm not a pro by any means, and still have my fair share of less than perfect tans, I've practiced enough to know some tricks that always ensure I get a better looking tan.

  1. Apply Cold Water to Freshly Shaved/Exfoliated Skin- my legs would always get these tiny little fake tan dots all over them when I would apply my tanner. It was so frustrating and I felt like my legs didn't hold any tanning product well. I started running cold water over my legs after I would finish my prep (exfoliating and shaving) to close the pores/hair follicles, and it has made a world of difference! Now my legs have very few to no little tan dots and the self-tanners I use absorb much better into my legs.

  2. Wash Your Mitt Often- A fresh, clean, product-free tanning mitt will apply your self-tan evenly and so smoothly. If you don't wash your mitt before each use, the excess product will start to ruin the texture of the mitt leaving your tan streaky and messy. It can also make your tan way darker than you want since the left over product is still on your tanning glove.

  3. Less is More- Nobody wants a dark, orange tan that makes you look like an Oompa Loompa. Overly tanning to the point you don't even look like yourself or like your tan is natural is also a major NO. So start off with a small amount of tan and as you get used to what looks best on you, build it up. You can always do an extra layer of self-tan 30 minutes to 24 hours after your initial application (depending on the tan you use) if you feel like your self-tan has not developed the way you'd like. You're going to be stuck with an ugly, unnatural tan if you do too much too fast. My personal preference is the more natural looking the better!

Favorite Products:

I've tried a few different self-tanning products this year, but my new favorite hands down is the Golden Star Beauty self-tanners. I was gifted some products to try out this year and I fell in love! The scent is amazing, the ingredients are natural and top-notch, and the formula literally glides over your skin for a smooth finish. Every time I've used it I have loved the results. It's one of the most natural and buildable tans I've ever used, and it fades the most gracefully out of any product I've ever tried. In my opinion, this tan can work for anybody, but it would especially be perfect for beginners. It's definitely my go-to tan now, and if you're interested in trying it out you can purchase some of their amazing products from Amazon or their website! Don't forget to use my code for SONYAR15 for some money off your purchase on either site.

Some other self-tanners I've tried and loved are:

For Beginners:

  1. Try a Gradual Tanner- This is a really easy way to try out self-tanning and makes sure that your tan stays natural. It's buildable, easy to use, and isn't as severe as a normal self-tan. It's a great starting point, and if you like how it looks, you can jump into fully self-tanning.

  2. Don't Overdo It- This is basically my less is more tip from above, but it's worth saying twice. Too much tan looks tacky, unnatural, and can be very offensive. Use a light hand when it comes to your tanner of choice and start off with a lighter shade level, like light or medium, to see how it looks on you before going straight to a deep shade.

  3. Use Your Lotion- Body Lotion will be your best friend when it comes to tanning. Apply it to your knees, elbows, heels/ankles, and underarms before applying your self-tan so that those areas (that are typically dryer) do not hold onto the color and become aggressively darker than the rest of your body. The lotion helps the product glide on the skin and dilutes the tan a bit. It's also especially helpful in caring for your tan after it is developed! Healthy, moisturized skin holds tan longer and makes it look better.

  4. You Don't Need to Tan Your Face- Tanning your face is not that important; as long as you have a foundation that matches your tan, you can keep your skin tan free! This tip is more so for more acne-prone, sensitive skin girls out there, as tanning products can break out your face. However, do whatever makes you feel more comfortable.

  5. Get a Tanning Back Applicator- Everyone tells me these things are a lifesaver when it comes to tanning your back! It's very helpful in getting those hard to reach places that your arm can't bend enough to reach. Especially as a newbie, this could really help you perfect your tan the first time around. Here is one with great reviews on amazon.

BTW! I also have a giveaway happening on my Instagram right now. Enter here to win some of my favorite Golden Star Beauty tanning products! Good luck!


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