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Corona Confessional: My Thoughts, Feelings, and Tips on the Pandemic

I found this picture in my camera roll recently and it seemed pretty fitting to use in this post since it's exactly what I'll be doing for the next few weeks: chilling in my house, relaxing in my comfy clothes, and keeping ample distance from others.

I'll be very honest, I've been struggling with this coronavirus pandemic. I feel frustrated, worried, and a little angry. I'm sure I'm not the only one. So in today's post I just want to voice my thoughts and feelings, the selfless and the selfish ones, in the hopes that it'll help some of you struggling with these current events to not feel so alone.

Last week was genuinely some of the most fun I've had in a while; I spent my days soaking in sunlight and enjoying my time at the beach for spring break. And then just as I'm excited and ready to end my break, to get back to college and continue my classes with a clear mind and fresh fervor, it's like the rug has been pulled out from beneath me. Classes cancelled for the next week, being transitioned into online courses. And now there's talk that school will be cancelled for the rest of the semester... my happy high from the past week took a very crushing blow, as I'm sure it did for a lot of my fellow students.

All the plans I had for the rest of the semester just seem to have been thrown completely out the window. Time to spend with my friends that live in so many far away and different places- gone. Meetings with teachers and plans for exciting, fun group projects- gone. Goals to be crushed at the gym- gone. My job and money to be made- gone. It seems like the life I've made for myself here at school, as a young adult, has just been taken away. It sucks. I've gotten used to my own routine, being able to live how I want and make my own decisions. Now having to stay at home for an undetermined amount of time and away from everything I'm used to will be a big adjustment. I don't know about anyone else, but it sort of feels like I'm eight years old again. I just feel like I've lost a big part of my freedom, my identity.

It all sounds very selfish. I know that, and every time I feel a little sad about it all I feel so guilty. I know most of the people I've talked to about this feel the same way, and I think that's why us twenty-year-olds are struggling the hardest. We know this is a time to be selfless, but it's difficult not to feel like we're sacrificing our newfound adulthood, the start of our independent lives. I know it makes me feel like an asshole.

We can have a good whine (and for some of us, maybe even a cry) about what we're missing out on, but at the end of the day we need to remember to be responsible. Wash your hands, disinfect things, drink your water, and practice social distancing! I'm noticing that a lot of people our age are not taking this seriously. The bar can wait, the party can wait, that trip can wait! Just because you feel fine doesn't mean that you're not a carrier for COVID-19. Obviously, there are reasons to leave the house, like having to buy groceries and other necessities or having to go to work. But if you can limit the time you spend around others to only the unavoidable situations and take all the precautions and safety measures, hopefully we can get out of this self-quarantining mess and go back to living our lives. That's what we all want, isn't it?

The amount of fear for this pandemic varies for everyone. For any of you struggling to cope with your own worries, your "selfish" thoughts, or the irritation you feel at those ignoring the warnings, here's my best advice for you to get back to feeling a bit back to normal in these weird times.

  • Turn off the news, or at least limit how much you watch. While it is important to stay informed, it's easy to let the talk of coronavirus ruin your day and mood. Try your best to block it out as much as you need to if just talking about it is adding to your stress.

  • Get ready for your day like you normally would: shower, a normal outfit, hair, makeup, whatever. Anything that will make you feel like you still have a routine and a bit of normalcy.

  • Relax a bit. You're quarantined, so you might as well enjoy your time at home. Get comfy, do skincare, binge watch Netflix, eat your junk food, do yoga. Whatever you find relaxing, give yourself some planned time to do it and enjoy it.

  • If you're someone that needs to keep busy, keep moving. Do at home workouts, clean the house, reorganize your closet, move the furniture around in your place, read a book.

  • Keep in contact with your favorite people. Just because you can't be around all your friends or loved ones, doesn't mean you should shut yourself off to everyone. Schedule FaceTime calls, make sure to text someone every day, email if you have to!

  • Make sure to get some fresh air. Being cooped up in your house for so long will drive you crazy, so walk around your backyard, sit on your front porch, walk some trails.

  • Spend some time on hobbies you used to not have the time for. It's a good way to distract yourself as well as rekindle your passion for things you used to enjoy.


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