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My Favorite Apps For Mobile Photo Editing

I get asked quite frequently what apps I use to take and edit my Instagram photos. By absolutely no means do I consider myself an editing or photo-taking expert, but I do think that I've learned a thing or two after taking mostly my own photos for as long as I can remember (thank you to all my lovely friends that have taken some of my photos for me! You're the best!). I'll be honest, I use a lot of apps, maybe too many. But each app I use provides a specific function and I can't imagine editing a photo without them!

I think it's important to note that editing takes patience, especially if you're trying to edit every photo so they have a similar color scheme. Sometimes the filter you use won't look exactly right or cohesive on every photo you take, so it's important that you tweak and adjust settings as you go. Now of course, this mainly applies to those of you that are trying to create a theme for your Instagram. Maybe some of you are just looking to play around with your photos or you're looking for an app to do one specific thing. Whatever the case is, I think I have you covered!

Snapped has so many different features that you could probably use this by itself. However, there are specific features I solely use when I edit a photo. Typically, this is the first app I use when I start editing:

  • Adjusting the exposure of an image

  • Adjusting the saturation of an image

  • "Healing" parts of the image that are distracting or don't go (for instance, say there's a small hole in a white wall. I'll use this healing tool to make the hole "disappear"- it takes the surrounding color/ image and covers the blemish to match.)

  • Add a blurring effect as if the image was taken in portrait mode- I find this easier to use than actual portrait mode and you can adjust it to your perfect amount of blur and vignette.


Airbrush is an app that I try to use very sparingly and only if it's necessary. It's seen as a "beautifying" app, similar to FaceTune. In fact, it even has beauty filters (that look awful).

  • I mainly use it for the whitening and brightening tool to enhance the details in any jewelry I wear and brighten up my eyes if they are looking a little dull.

  • If I have a massive zit or two I'll use the acne tool, but I try to limit it to that. It's a very dangerous slope if you start editing your features; it's not good for your mental and emotional health, and it definitely looks noticeable if you do too much.


VSCO is not just an app to post your wild nights out or show off your scrunchies! I actually really like the filters and the different tools you can use to adjust whatever you need.

  • I use the filters and adjust accordingly

  • I use basically all the tools to adjust the filters, such as the saturation, exposure, grain, and white balance.


On occasion I'll use PicsArt. It's a pretty fun app for adding cute details or making collages.

  • I like using it when I want to be a little fun and add cute colors and stickers to my photos.


This is another app I use sparingly. Please, please do not try to adjust your facial or body features. It's not worth it.

  • I use the whitening tool to cover larger areas I want to whiten, like a wall or building.

  • I use the detail tool to bring more attention to fine details like jewelry, textures, etc.


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