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4 Beauty Tips to Happier, Healthier Skin

Skincare has always been very important to me. As someone who has struggled with acne-prone, sensitive skin since middle school, I've always tried my hardest to keep a really good skincare regimen. I know there are a lot of seemingly small skincare tips that can really boost your skin's glow and overall health, and I wanted share them with you! These are easy, available things that anyone can add to their skincare routine that actually have an impact on the look and feel of your skin. And while some of these tips may seem obvious, I still think they are important enough to share because there are people out there that are just now getting into skincare, or need a reminder to do these steps.

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1. Increase Your Collagen

Fun fact- collagen is one of the most plentiful proteins in your body and is responsible for bouncy, plump skin as well as better joint and heart health. It seems like every influencer on the planet is taking some sort of collagen supplement because who doesn't want skin with improved elasticity and hydration? Personally, I think it's easier to boost your collagen by nourishing your body with the proper foods- protein-rich foods, vitamin c, copper, and zinc. One really good food choice is bone broth for collagen improvement, and it's highly recommended by nutritionists, doctors, and influencers. Collagen supplements are also a great choice if you're not getting the proper nutrients from food, if your body doesn't create collagen easily (consult your doctor), or if you want a little extra collagen intake for the day. Here are two different brands of collagen supplements/powders that I've seen a lot of bloggers and influencers I follow rave about, plus they have great reviews! Make sure to take a look through the websites to find a product that is good for you!

2. Wear Your Sunscreen

This is so obvious that I wonder if there's even a point in typing it. However, I know there is someone out there that is just like me and forgets to put their sunscreen on more often than not. Or maybe you believe that the SPF in your daily moisturizer is enough to protect your skin. The answer is NO. STOP IT. Make sure you put on a sunscreen after you let your moisturizer sink into your skin (apparently mixing a sunscreen with your moisturizer can dilute the sunscreen, compromising its effectiveness).

3. Start Using Retinol

Retinol is the miracle product that everyone talks about when it comes to keeping skin looking youthful. It aids in collagen production and cell turnover and is used to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne, and to create smoother skin. Any form is fine to use (serum, cream, etc.) as long as you use it at night. Why? Because this gives the retinol time to absorb into the skin, giving your skin a longer opportunity to take in all the benefits. Retinol also makes your skin much more sensitive to the sun, so you MUST wear sunscreen during the day- and as we said before, you should be doing that anyway.

Now anything you can get at a drug store will be weaker than retinol prescribed by a doctor, so it will take longer to see the results. But honestly, I think it is worth it. I have been slowly incorporating retinol into my skincare (I already use Adapalene .3% for acne, which works amazing!) because I have some fine lines beginning to appear on my forehead, the price you pay for having a super expressive face!

4. Moisturize, Moisturize, MOISTURIZE

Skin hydration is key to a healthy, revitalized face. Unfortunately, many people have the misconception that using a moisturizer will only make acne worse or create an even more slick surface on already oily skin. Actually, moisturizer can help balance oily skin as well as help fight acne! Typically when you have oily and/or acne prone skin, you'll use products that dry out the skin, which works well when clearing up acne and keeping oil at bay, but that dryness can make your skin overproduce oils! That can lead to clogged pores, more acne, and even oilier, shinier skin. Using a moisturizer will keep your skin properly hydrated, so your skin will no longer overproduce oil. Moisturizing can also slow signs of aging, an added bonus that anyone can appreciate.

During the day you should use a lighter moisturizer that will sink into the skin quickly and easily. At night, you can use a heavier, thicker moisturizer that will really soften the skin. Plus, putting on a more heavy-duty moisturizer at night will give your skin more time to absorb all the hydration and benefits.

Moisturizing isn't just limited to your face- try your best to moisturize your body after every shower. Your skin actually absorbs moisture more readily and effectively when it's slightly damp.


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