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My Acne Journey + Skin Routine

If you looked at me now, I don't think you could guess how bad my acne used to be. But just look below- the first photo is from November 24th, 2019, the second is from June 1st, 2019. In both, my face is completely makeup-free. Crazy, huh?

I'm swallowing my pride and fighting my fear by showing the second photo, by talking about my ongoing battle with acne. It's always been one of my biggest insecurities, but as I've gotten older the more I've realized that acne is normal and natural. While many peoples' acne may not be as severe as mine was, I think my story of how I managed it and eventually cleared it will still be helpful for anyone currently struggling with skin issues.

So here goes nothing!

I have dealt with cystic acne since I was in middle school. The summer before my sophomore year of high school, I went on Accutane. To this day I swear it was the best decision of my life, and I highly recommend talking your doctor or dermatologist about getting on it! For a few years after that my skin was basically acne free, even after getting off of Accutane (which I only took for about 6 months- a year)! Sure, I had the occasional small breakout of a pimple or two, but gone were the days of massive cysts and scarring.

Second semester of my freshman year of college my skin began to break out worse and worse. That following summer, my skin was the worst it had been in years. I tried everything at the drug store I could to fight it, but nothing worked. I felt so self-conscious, so discouraged- I mean, just look at the second picture. You can see how sad I was.

Finally, I went to the dermatologist. And I am soooo glad I did! The products I was given literally cleared my acne within A WEEK! And since then my skin has been relatively clear (besides the tiny monthly breakout- thank you, dreaded period).

It took me a very long time to realize that my skin did not determine my worth. This last summer I really came to terms with the fact that I'll likely keep dealing with acne for most of my life. I struggled to accept it, but I had to. I could keep denying that I still have problematic skin and keep feeling insecure, ugly, and sad, OR I could accept that acne is normal and nothing to be ashamed of as I work towards clearing my skin. I'm really glad I chose the latter. If I kept seeing every pimple as a major flaw, I would never be able to leave my house or enjoy my life! It took accepting that things can't change overnight just by washing my face and drinking some water. My acne isn't a flaw, it's not my fault, and it doesn't define me- and after I started believing that, I feel beautiful and confident whether I'm breaking out or blemish-free.

To all you lovely people still dealing with problematic skin, you are worth more than a blemish. You are more gorgeous than a blackhead or irritated skin leads you to believe. It's not a race; keep your head held high and have patience. Your skin will get better, you just have to put some time and effort in.

If anyone is curious, here is my current routine, day and night, that I try to follow religiously.


I start by washing my face with the Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash. After patting my face dry, I apply a light layer of my Clindamycin and Benzoyl Peroxide Gel to the affected areas on my face/body. Once that dries, I apply my Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin all over my face and down my neck.


After removing my makeup, I cleanse my face with the Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser. After patting my face dry, I apply Adapalene 0.3% gel - this has been a God send y'all! I put this gel on the affected areas every night (sometimes every other night since too much can be irritating to the skin) and overnight my pimples shrink. Adapalene is a retinoid that decreases swelling and inflammation. It has totally reduced the amount of pimples I get! After that, I rub a generous amount of CeraVe Moisturizing Cream all over my face.

On top of all that, I take one Doxycycline Hyclate 100 mg tablet a day- it's an antibiotic that is used to treat all sorts of bacterial infections, one of them being acne! I'll be honest, though, I do struggle to take this everyday and more often than not I forget- oops!


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